I received the following program by real chance in my mail box.
This program was called the "Multi level marketing".
Without believing in these kinds of stuff and after reading it for severals times, I decided to try this new opportunity.( I must admit I was very desperate for work and I was broke at that time).
While visiting the sites of classified ads and while informing around me, I realized that this system was becoming more and more popular.(If you didn't hear about it, well here we are).!!
Since the amount of connected people to The Internet never stop increasing every month, I didn't need much more to convince me that this could work!
And today , I m fully satisfied.
As an advice, please take the time to read careffuly what follows..
How is it now possible, in a simple way, rather fast and nearly funny, from your home, to make (a lot of) money if you give a few work. The business opportunity that is presented to you here is something that can (that must even) interest you if you take the time to throw a small stroke of your eyes there.
First, it begins only with investing very little money (only 25$).
But the incomes that it makes there can be extraordinary!
If it would like to make good money in some months, read the program that follows then.
If money (or what you could make some) doesn't interest you, then, before throwing this document or this email , think about the one - your parent, your friend, or your work partner - that could be interested in and transmit this to him.
For lack of to benefit yourself of this offer, you will give this at least at one or two persons you know!
You could make him happy with good money!
Is this not a beautiful gift to make to him or her?
Researching a lucrative activity, I discovered completely by chance on Internet a proposition drawn in a simple and insignificant sentence:
"Win money while working at you, on your electronic mail",
Intrigued and strongly interested, I asked for a documentation that I received the following days.
After having read once, then twice, then 3 times this documentation, I have concluded that I was in presence of a simple and legal opportunity to reach the financial autonomy finally or, in a more pragmatic manner, to make so that the loss of money is not anymore a trouble to my happiness and to my around.
Was this a bit of help of the destiny? Imagine a train named "luck" running very near, you CAN'T miss it with the risk of remaining on the embankment all our life while waiting maybe for another passage?
I don't know too much.
I began this opportunity ith conviction and I wish to all people that, like me, would like to help their life, as much as they can.
To read the present document is going to take you a little time.
It 's normal, details explanation of this commercial method, the sale's mechanism and how much you are going to be able to withdraw has to be long, if you want a bright understanding!
But continue your reading and I am sure that I will hear about you very soon...
The documentation that I received, was about thirty pages repeatedly where, in preamble, long testimonials of American, Canadian, Belgian, French and other internauts telling the merits, the kindness and the results of the method.
All was explained: of the waltz hesitation of the departure to the final success in some months, each revealed their experiences, of their incentives and especially of their wins.
I wanted to structure again this document a little confused to make it simpler, more direct and more efficient in order to waste less time in understanding and in order to let less undecided people under way.
This method by Internet saw the day in the United States in the beginning of the years 90 and already allowed more of 500 000 people to achieve their small or big dreams.
It is now your turn.
The method is very simple. It's what makes it dangerously efficient!
As a start, you must invest in buying 5 files that you will pay for 5 $ each to 5 different people of which the names and addresses represent farther, either a total investment of 25 $.
While buying these files, you become the legal owner of it.
What allows you therefore to resell them while applying the same method of sale.
The whole remains, it is your business and of the time passed before your PC with an Internet connection, a messaging, and good ideas.
Your feeling and your ambitions will make the rest...
Beware, I don't promise you here (as some announcements streetwalkers) to win the millions in one day.
YES, the method of sale is efficient.
YES, you can win a lot of money in a short time.
YES, you will work solely home.
YES, you will be able to pay yourselves for everything of which you dream.
YES, it will be necessary for you to work to get a financial return.
YES, it will be necessary for you to pass of the time on your computer to arrive there.
YES, the financial impact will be proportional to your efforts.
This method of sale is based on the principle (legal) of the merchandising to multiple landings (Multi - Level Marketing) that won its letters of nobility already, proved its efficiency and don't quit to grow to an exponential speed thanks to Internet.
The legal aspect:
Reference of Law: /
The basic principle:
You buy a merchandise (in this case 5 files that are going to help you in this business and will be able to help you to develop other business based on the same method of sale) and you resell it at your turn to other people whom themselves will make the same.
THE KEY OF SUCCESS, it is the scrupulous application of the orders described below. The application of the orders is the ONLY key allowing the method to operate OPTIMAL manner.
From now, you are main of your choice.
You have a choice to make among two options:
--> To flank at the trash can this proposition and to continue your life peacefully (it is quite laudable), and you won't receive news of me more ever.
--> To take knowledge of that that follows and to risk to win a quit a lot of money, if you make the necessary efforts to become financially independent.
The good choice...
Me, you suspect it, I made a choice. The good choice. The one that I don't absolutely regret!
I risked 25 $. I worked on my PC (in a spare moment) and I continue to make it daily today, one or two hours per day two.
Do you want to know how much I won on this day?
Now, this is hope to you!
Order by the post office to the normal fair or" By mail" if you order from afar (1) the 5 files to the people of which the names and addresses represent below.
You will have your own files then to answer your first orders.
Beware: you cannot sell them if you don't buy them all!
- The file nr 1 to the person situated at the head of list.
- The file nr 2 to the person situated in second in the list.
- The file nr 3 to the person situated in third position.
- The file nr 4 to the person situated in fourth position.
- The file nr 5 to the last listed person.
For each of these 5 orders specify well:
- The number of the file ordered.
- The title of the file ordered.
- Your E-mail adress.
- Your postal address (in case of problem).
When your order is ready:
- On an envelope, indicate the name and the address of the person to which you send your order (the people whose names appear below on the list).
- Indicate your postal address to the back of the envelope in case of problem with the post office.
- Slip in the envelope a ticket (tickets solely) of 5 $ in your sheet of paper where is consigned information above (to the shelters of the indiscreet looks). Glue the envelope.
- Mail.
(1) you can, if you wish to insure that your money doesn't disappear of the oeuvres of an indelicate factor, to send your mail by advisable or by express mail (DHL, Federal Express, etc.). It is a little dearer, but it will guarantee the receipt of your consignment.
(2) you can replace the ticket of 5 E (EUR) by a ticket of 5 $(USD) or of 5 L (GBP), following what is the simplest for you in your country.
In the ten days that are going to follow, you are going to receive then on your messaging personal five E-mails from the five people to whom you ordered your files.
Every message will have a joined piece that is the file that you ordered.
Since receipt, you are henceforth owner of the famous files who will be the products that you are going to sell to all contacts that you are going to generate.
Calm question frequently:
Are these files just a pretext to sell or do they serve to something INDEED?
If these files represent the products that you are going to sell, it is FALSE to think that they don't serve to anything and are only the" pretexts to sell" or the" forgeries produced to sell ".
Those files have - to the origin - been created by American specialists of the marketing and the sale. And who know better than the American how to put a product on sale?
Their reading will bring you many advice and of multiple tricks to apply the method of sale better and to optimize your business. As you know it all, to
have a good product to sell is not sufficient.
Again it is necessary to know how to make for good sell it!
It is there the object of these 5 files!
Don't be afraid to apply the principles that are transmitted you in these files. The method will be of as much more efficient!
Let's proceed by order, you have in your possession 6 documents (the present documentation and the 5 files).
All these documents are recorded on your hard disk (and on a back-up disk, one is never too prudent).
You are going to conduct the modification of the present documentation now before using of it to you own turn.
1. Erase the name and the person's address that are in position 5.
2. Copy - glue the name and the person's address in position 4 toward the position 5.
3. Copy - glue the name and the person's address in position 3 toward the position 4.
4. Copy - glue the name and the person's address in position 2 toward the position 3.
5. Copy - glue the name and the person's address in position 1 toward the position 2.
6. Write down your name and your address in position 1.
"What that was in position 5 does the person become? will tell yourselves to "me.
Well, don't worry for her!
This person already accumulated many tickets of 5 $ and she probably continues to accumulate some others, if she respected the advice took in the files!
When this operation is finished, record this new documentation that is yours.
It is ready to be exploited.
You are going to can now - on your turn - to send it by promenade in joined piece to all interested people that you will have solicited and to all people who will have contacted you to apply the method them also.
There are the score of ways to contact potential purchasers on Internet.
The free sites of announcements, the forums, the cats, etc. has other medias also as newspapers (free), local newspapers, advertisements (free) various, etc.
For you, the important, it is to send a maximum of documentations by E-mails or possibly by mail with your name at the head of list. 5% to 10% among them (according to your feeling, your knowledge, luck maybe and especially while following the advice found in the files that you bought well) are going to place order of the file nr 1.
Is the continuation logical, do these people go on their turn to modify this documentation while getting at the head of list and will contact X people (why not to help them?) who will order you the file nr 2 since you will have changed position in the list. And so forth.
Except the purchase of every file that takes place by postal mail (your initial investment), all other operations make themselves by consignments of E-mails with joined pieces. In other words, you have none nearly expenses of working.
You must send the report ordered to all person inevitably having sent you 5 $ and an electronic address. It is the foundation of the success for everybody!
You now know the method, his/her/its simplicity and his/her/its obligations.
Now speak of its efficiency and, for it, it is necessary to speak of money.
How much are you going to return this method of sale and the files that you bought?
Here, I want to be very clear: I don't know.
It depends on you and my incomes to me depend also of you.
If you are not motivate if you don't work, if you don't make any efforts, you won't much win and I won't much win either (since I am listed behind you in the list of people to that one buys a file).
Not more that the 3 also listed other people.
On the other hand, if you work (not necessarily hard but efficiently), if you are motive and if you want to win money (and to make me to win also of it), then there, you will be able to achieve your most secret dreams quickly: one house to your taste, a car of dream, of journeys around the world... In fact, to become financially independent and more to have to count the cents at the end of month.
Then the only possibility that I have to make understand you how much you can win, it is the calculation.
Or rather the calculations that here it is.
Minimalist example:
Let's consider, for the example of calculation, that you want to test a first time this method of sale" without working too much" indeed because you wish to be repaid only of your investment (25 $, let's remind it).
You are going to be content therefore with contacting and to convince 5 people whom you will buy the file nr 1.
Let's consider that these 5 people are as "chilly" as you and that they will also limit themselves to find 5 purchasers also.
What will allow you to you to sell 25 files nr 2.
In the same frame of mind, these 25 people will find 5 of them each that will order you 125 files nr 3. Then these 125 people, always as" chilly ", will place with you 625 orders of the file 4. Then, to finish some, these 625 chilly will make in the same way and you will have 3125 orders of the file nr 5.
There is really a script disaster (that, very fortunately, I didn't meet).
All these particularly chilly people or having little envies to work are going yet to return you, already, a small tidy sum!
- Sold files: ..................5 + 25 + 125 + 625 + 3125 = 3905 files.
- Price of the file: ..........................................5 $
- Total recipe: ..........................................19.525 $
Either about 19.000 13.000 E,$,or L
Let's remain in our logic of situation. You made your" chilly test" and you can see that, all one in the other, without big effort, you could fill your pockets of near 20.000 $.
Then you tell yourselves that, with a few more of ambition, creativeness and perseverance, every person in the system is able to arrive to 10 people in his direct lineage.
Do your returns become then what?
- Sold files: ......10 + 100 + 1 000 + 10 000 + 100 000 = 111110 files.
- Price of the file: ..........................................5 $
- Total recipe: ........................................ 555.500 $,E
Either about 550.000 370.000 $,L,or E
There is a sum that doesn't refuse!
One doesn't laugh anymore, here. One speaks indeed of money.
But this reasonable calculation, that he of efforts represents?
Statistically, to get 10 orders of file in 1st line, it is necessary for you to contact between 100 and 200 people, whatever is the means of contact.
Via Internet, you can very comfortably (thanks to the precious advice given in the files) to get 500 to 1.000 addresses E-mail in some working hours on your PC. Not to send 1.000 E-mail costs you (nearly) nothing.
With a positive return varying from 5 to 10%, these some working hours allow you therefore to get an average of 50 to 100 orders!
To you to exploit the vein!
What is the reality of the thing?
In the reality, the average of the fruitful contacts is located 20 people above.
Why not 50 or 100 as says above? Simply because, if you make the efforts, of others, in 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th line, makes less of them or don't persevere, or miss creativeness, or don't follow the advice took in the files.
But with 20 fruitful contacts, make the calculation yourself of that that it can represent if each reaches this feasible objective.
If you place the even higher rod, it is the assured fortune. The true fortune that obliges you to ask you for that that to leave to make with all this money.
You now understand my subjects of departure when I told you that each can result there his solution from all his desires.
Since some years already (middle of the years 90), what functions in the E-Trade, these are the way of sale to multiple landings. This kind of system makes more than 45 new millionaires every day in the world.
What functions for enterprises is now feasible by an individual, by you, if you want it indeed.
To give you an example, I sent more than 10.000 E-mails since I got involved in the adventure ". And my Internet site already drained more than 6.000 visitors.
On 18 months of real work but not coercive. Can you guess the thus gleaned jackpot?
This method of sale exists since a very long time, but it became a true
phenomenon of society.
Thanks to Internet, the world market accessible to your keyboard!
It is so a phenomenon important that the very famous" Harvard Business School" to the United States sign this method to the future leaders of the big world enterprises. Luck?
The less famous "Wall Street Journal" predicts that the MLM (Multi Level Marketing - Systems to Multiple Landings) will take a part of 50 to 60% of the market of the products and services in the years 2000, thanks to the development extraordinary of the sale by Internet. These are impressive percentages and one cannot stop from considering them.
The fastest means would be yet a letter-chain but it is not legal, because it is not the trade, that could break the chain.
What is on the other hand brilliant, it is to be able to gather in a same system, the speed to accumulate the capital as the letter of a chain and a same stroke can it, to combine the legitimacy of a system to multiple landings and to make so that the all is legal.
What is fraudulent or illegal, when one speaks about making money in our society, it is to accept any amount of money without exchanging a product in return.
Because, if there is not exchanged product, there is not a business right and it is the only reason for which it is illegal.
I can pay for 5 $ for one book in the bookstore and if it is worthwhile of it, I will buy it. It is that the free enterprise. Nothing besides, nothing of less.
Today, what is the more asked, the most precious good, it is information.
How to know how to sell a product when one knows that, thanks to Internet, the products of the smallest country of the world can open up to a global market?
These are the information that procure you the 5 files.
It is also on these principles and these needs that the method takes as a basis.
If you hold this documentation in your hands today, it is because someone sent it to you where made it send you, or because you received it "by chance" by electronic mail or because you looked for it on Internet.
You don't probably know the person who makes you know this method and you won't probably meet ever it.
No matter, she/it offers you a means to make money while applying a method of modern and full sale of future while selling these files with which you will be able to make 500 000 $ and more in the next months... and to make this person's fortune also by the same opportunity!
25 $ of investment only.
Did you make your choice ?
One of the big advantages of this method is that, for a RIDICULOUS departure investment, you can work at home, to your rhythm, following your free times, without having ever to leave the house, except to go..... to the bank.
You will never have to phone or to meet that that it is, because the sale in this system makes itself by the intervention of e-mails.
And recall yourselves, it is necessary for you to exchange a product to make money.
The files that you will order contain the applicable information that will be you useful during and after your objective of 500 000 $, is reached.
While buying these files, you become owner legally of it and it gives you the right to use the files as well as the method herself and to sell the files numbers some unlimited, and as in all other free enterprise, you will resell them to a cost of 5 $ each (don't increase this price, it will affect your sale negatively).
The title of each of the reports gives you an idea of their content.
Think that this method is in full growth, thanks to Internet and don't forget that 150 000 new internauts connect every month, and this number goes crescent, it represents a considerable number of possible prospects.
But the market is not elastic for as much!
If you want to make a maximum of money, now make your choice! It is time for you to take good place in the line and to restart at will.
There is on Internet of the hundreds of free sites where you can deposit your announcement, there is a lot of way to unearth directories E-mails, to contact people.
Today, your market is in short, unlimited. Your sales can reach some summits and can guarantee your financial security and the one of your family.
To you to play!
"You have a door opened before you that give access to the financial
independence. It's up to you to clear this door!
Others already proved it. The system perfectly functions well.
"I offered you information and the opportunity to become financially at ease!
Every participant must reach the 10 sales
of the Nr 1 file
If everybody respects this objective,
there will be at least 500 000 $ for all
(On which you will position yourselves in head after the order of
the 5 files)
FILE Nr 1 Title: "The guide of the use of the free advertisement on
Internet" Order this file to: BARZIN Eric 111 Avenue Reine Astrid 4900 SPA BELGIUM
FILE Nr 2 Titles: "The utilitarian guide to send big quantities
of messages by Internet" Order this file to: Michel Yllan Place Trolley de Prevaux 83820 Le Rayol Canadel FRANCE
FILE Nr 3 Titles: "The Secrets of the merchandising by multiple
landings on Internet" Orders this file to: LARCHER Christine 6 rue de la Cannelle Anse mitan 97229 TROIS ILETS /MARTINIQUE
FILE Nr 4 Titles: "How to become millionaire as using the strength
of the merchandising to multiple landings" Order this file to: BOISJEOL Laurence 29 allees marteliere 13530 Trets FRANCE
FILE Nr 5 Titles: "How to contact 3 000 000 of potential customers
free" Order this file to : BONNET Patrice 6 rue de la Cannelle, Anse mitan 97229 Trois ilets / MARTINIQUE
TESTIMONY This program functions, but you must follow it PRECISELY! Especially, don't try to place your name in a different position, it will not work and you will destroy a lot of potential incomes thus. I am a living proof that it works. It is indeed a big opportunity to make money relatively easily, and with a minimal cost. If you choose to participate, follow the program precisely and you will be on the path of your security financial" Mrs. Prescile Toutant,Mt1,Qc,
TESTIMONY The main reason of my testimony is to convince you that this system is honest, legal, extremely profitable and a way to get a great deal of money in relatively a short time. I have been approached several times before I controled all this. I joined rightly to see what one could count in exchange for the effort and the minimal money required. To my big astonishment, I received 36 470 $ in the first 19 weeks, and it always continues. Well to you. Phillip A. Brown, Esq.
TESTIMONY 'not being of type player, it took me several weeks to decide me to participate in this plan. But, all conservative that I am, I decided that the initial investment was so minimal that didn't have any luck not to get enough orders for at least to recover my money. Oh boy! I was astonished very when I found my mail box full of orders! I will make more money this year that in my last 10 years. The kind thing about this business is that no matter where you live in the world, there is not a better investment for a return as fast. Marco Bellile, St.-Eustache,
TESTIMONY I had received this program there are some times and I erased it. But,later, I wondered if I should not have made a test. I didn't have any idea with that to enter in contact. Then I had the new luck to receive it again. I am of the happiest to see that that helps me financially to fill my needs. I accumulated 41 000 US 3mois with this way to work... believe me,.. that helps! Mr. Hudon, Gatineau,
TESTIMONY It is the third time that I and my husband participate in this plan.We left our usual work, and soon, we will buy our house on the beach and we will live interests of our money. Only the way on earth where this plan will operate for you, it is if you participate there. In your interest and in the one of your family, don't pass next to this magnificent opportunity. Good luck and good expenses. Charles Fairchild, Spokane, WA (translates of English)
TESTIMONY With the merchandising by network, you have two sources of incomes. Of the direct commissions for the sales that you make personally and of the commissions coming from the sales made by those that you recruited in your business. Of the incomes that constantly come back is a sign of good financial health. It means that as investing the time and a little money only one time you is paid again and again. Christopher McRae, Elgin, SC (translates of English)
TESTIMONY The information that you find here is something that I had the habit to let spin between my fingers. If I write you, it is so that you avoided the same mistake. My name is Jacques Brault. 2 years ago, after 12 years of" good and faithful services ", the society for which I worked dismissed me. After several fruitless interviews to find me of work, I decided to create my own enterprise. The past year, I had several financial difficulties. I borrowed to members of my family and to my friends more than 4.000 $. The economy didn't help my business and I should have borrowed quickly again while mortgaging my house to
help my family and to fight to continue to work. To THIS MOMENT, something very important arrived in my life and I write this in the goal to share my experience with the hope that it will also change forever your life on the financial plan. In the middle of December, I received this program by e-mail. Six months before, I had made demands of information concerning different business opportunities. All programs that I found were too difficult for me to understand them or the initial investment was raised too much. Contrary to all others programs, this one didn't say that it was necessary to invest a lot of
money, just of the time, and of the time, I had some! After having read the program several times, to assure me that I read it correctly, I could not believe my eyes of it. I had in hand A PHENOMENON to MAKE MONEY! I could vest to the departure very little without causing me of other debts. After I took the paper and a pencil, I analyzed the all and achieved that I could win a lot while risking, to the worse, to lose my setting of ridiculous departure. Not to risk any other problems and worried about the aspect legal of all this, I verified it with the administration and they confirmed to me that it was effectively legal. Then me I am told: 'AND WHY NOT ME? ' in which did I buy the files I learned full of very useful things and did I rush January 7. In the
beginning, I sent 10 000 e-mails. It cost me 20 $ for the time of my calls. The great thing about e-mails is that it doesn't cost anything, the only expense, that's my time. To January 13, I had already received 26 demands for the file #1.
Your objective is to receive to the minimum 20 orders of this file in less than 2 weeks. My first stage in the goal to make 60.000$ was reached. To January 30, I had received 196 orders for the file #2. In the beginning of March, I had received more than 66.000 $ for the consignment of my first 10 000 e-mails. Every day, it happens to me a few more of them. I paid for everything
my debts and I bought myself a new car, what was well necessary. SVP, take the time to read this program. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER! Remind yourselves, it won't work for you, if you don't try it. This program FUNCTIONS. If not to try you, you are going to lose a lot of money. Jacques Brault, Mimizan, France,
TESTIMONY so that this program functions, you must get more than 20 orders for the file #1, 100 orders and more for the file #2 and you will make more than 500.000 $ in one record time. I AM THE LIVING PROOF THAT IT WORKS! If you choose not to participate in this program, I am distressed some. It is really a big opportunity to a weak cost and with minimal risks. If you choose to participate there, follow the program well and you will be on the path of your financial security. Don't consider this program besides like a con, consider this as a sign of the times. I MADE IT, ME! Do you have a just small idea of how 87.635 tickets of 5 $ look like when they are all accumulated on a kitchen table? I didn't see the heap because I put it progressively in bank, but it is the number of tickets that I received these last 6 months! Michel Vermeersche, Brussels, Belgium
TESTIMONY I work for a long time to the creation of my enterprise following a real desire of independence, and to an increasing dissatisfaction in the exercise of my present employment. But without money and without helps, in spite of the beautiful speech policies, I could not start my activity. With some coins put laboriously of side, I invested in a PC and an Internet connection. This is how I discovered this opportunity that, coming from across the Atlantic had been frenchified by a predecessor. Now, thanks to this program, I consider the future more serenely. Soon, all will be possible! NOW, Begin to win $ your own!
I can understand your hesitations, even your fears
But the risk is so big? If no, why try not? Who doesn't risk nothing has anything and you be able to always make yourselves your opinion thereafter!
Here is my personal experience.
Will it permit you maybe him to make disappear your fears?
In April 2003 last, I celebrated my 20 years of marriage. To return this noteworthy event, my wife and I made a journey in Singapore and in Thailand, plane in class business, hotels 5 stars, renting of the limousine of the hotel to visit the most beautiful places at the surroundings, and shopping of madness (especially my wife, evidently).
I will never forget this magnificent journey. How to forget this junior
continuation in the Dusit Resort Hotel in Thailand, with terrace overhanging the turquoise water of the sea of China?
How to forget the impeccable service of the stewardesses of Singapore Airlines? How to explain the magnificence of the Royal Palace and the Buddhist temples of Bangkok? Are you able only to imagine my wife's pleasure to make some purchases on Orchard Road in Singapore?
This journey cost, in all, more than 20.000 Euros for 18 days of happiness. Well evidently, I am not going to redo this expense of madness every year, but, if I speak of it to you, it is not to appear indecent to your eyes, especially if you don't have the means to spend such a sum in some days. It is just to explain you that, if I could allow myself this expense, it is because I joined this program.
I am engineer, setting in a big European enterprise. I am 45 years old and I have of the comfortable returns thanks to my work, I am owner and there are three cars in the family.
But I also have three big children who cost me a lot of money. I don't say it because it is a weight, but well to make understand you that, whatever is my salary, I was never able indeed neither to construct me a strong saving nor to offer me these dreams that each wants to achieve before leaving that hulls.
And yet, I live more than decently, with a salary very superior to the average.
When I entered in the MLM program, I was not convinced, just as you today while reading this.
Me I am just says: "the worse that can happen to me is to lose 25 $ and to waste my time ".
While starting with this idea in head, I knew that I could not be disappointed.
I have just finished rightly my 4th" country ".
And believe me, if I start the 5th of them see you later, it is because it is worthwhile of it.
And I will launch other campaigns again in the future. And I would not make it if me I was not proven to myself that is worthwhile!
When I launched my 1st" campaign ", if someone had told to me that I was going to win a lot of money, I would not have believed it.
I would have thought rightly that these were devout lies to sell, merely because I am very distrustful. But I must admit well today that I was wrong and that I was excessively distrustful.
Since my beginnings in the program, money spent for this journey is my biggest expense in once.
But, if I hold in account the totality of my returns, thanks to the program, I was able to re to furnish the whole house and to buy me this Audi A6 of which I dreamed.
I could also pay a few months ago to my eldest son for a magnificent marriage. My daughter now has his/her/its own car (it is an opportunity, but I could not have bought him so quickly without the gains of the program) and my wife savors her purchases made with my credit card.
And, in spite of all these important enough expenses, my account doesn't save quits to enlarge, exclusively with tickets of 5 $ but in big number! What is the secret? Luck? No, believe it or no", THE" program. Just as it is explained in the files, of work (not immensely, but a little work done each day intelligently) and, thanks to my experience present, some things that I am ready to share with you if you join the program while wanting to optimize it with me.
Today, me, I don't have need anymore to intend to join the two tips at the end of month. I don't have loans in progress, nor problem to buy me that of which my family or I want when one wants of it, nor problem to take advantage of the good opportunities that present themselves.
I don't say that I am rich, nor that I live in a castle, nor that I drive a Ferrari, nor that I can take the liberty to spend the thousands of euros every day, but I live very very comfortably if I don't throw my money by the windows.
There so long is not, it happened again to me to tighten me the belt at the time of the big deadlines as invoices of insurances, taxes and various taxes.
Today, I don't have these problems anymore. If my returns decrease, I throw back the program merely and money arrives automatically in my mail-box, what allows me to make projects again.
For the meantime, I need an expensive dental surgical intervention (10 000 $ and we would like to buy a second residence on the sides of the Mediterranean.
Not need of loan, the program is going to pay at a time for the deposit of the house and the dentist, and we will have money to decorate the house and to prepare us a golden retirement.
In about fifteen years, I will retire in the south of France. To that moment, my incomes are going to really fall low. I will have a substantial saving but I will as always have the possibility to throw back the program again, because, to that moment, there will be again and always of people to want to win money by this method.
Do you want to make the experience, exactly as I make it? Then, don't hesitate anymore and join the program. Now. Take your destiny in hands and prepare your future with me. If you rush, with my help and your incentive and work, you will win a lot of money. If I help you, I will win more money again, me also. Do we work then, together?
Louis Stevens, Antwerp, Belgium - With my compliments
Let's see it quickly
Ask yourselves this simple question: Do I "have really desire to pass next to this unique opportunity?"If your answer is" yes ", take a leaf and list all reasons that give you desire to refuse. Study these reasons and make yourselves your opinion.
I don't know how to take a decision in your place, but I doubt that you can list major reasons. Is it that some minor reasons justify more reticences?
While supposing that you have a computer and an Internet connection, your investment is limited strictly to 25 EUR or 25 US $ or 25UK . Is it worthwhile to hesitate?
If you have serious financial problems, ask yourselves this question: "Where am I going to find this money? ". This sum corresponds to two pizzas, to 4 or 5 packets of cigarettes or to something that you buy every month, expense of which you could happen only one month. Is it worthwhile to miss this unique opportunity?
You are going to recover your investment at most in two weeks!
And you will probably receive a lot more money in the following weeks! One so small sum is not a good reason to miss this unique opportunity!
If you took the pain to read this documentation, it is that you look for a complementary income or that someone in your setting thinks that it could interest you. You have therefore probably already tried of other methods or dreamed to win more that what you win today.
Didn't you ever work for anything? If your answer is" yes ", why be afraid? To recover your investment, everything that you are going to make that invest some hours of your time only! It is not worthwhile to try? Either telling to lose some hours of your time is not a good reason to hesitate!
Here, I cannot certify to everybody, whatever is are countries of residence, that the method is everywhere legal. But I don't KNOW ANY COUNTRY OR THE METHOD is ILLEGAL.
Ask yourselves the following question merely: Do I hesitate merely because I don't have an answer to this question? ". If it is the only reason of your hesitation, jump on your keyboard and search for the applicable laws in your country. To the worse, it will take you some hours to have your answer. A lack of information is not a good
reason to hesitate. Collect information and take your decision!